PITA is a sophisticated self owned property management system for both commercial and residential premises, including maintenance, service contracts, inventory, rental management, invoicing and accounts postings, all through a single portal. All information can be viewed online, printed in a large variety of reports or shown in graphs. The software is offered through a web-based or on premise deployment.
Meets and exceeds RERA requirements
HOMS is A digital transformation for total management of ‘Home-Owners Associations’, which meets and exceeds Bahrain’s Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA).
Meets and exceeds RERA requirements
The facility management(FM) provides comprehensive solutions for property managers.
Our ERP System integrates various applications relating to accounting, sales, purchase, inventory, fixed asset, cost centers, Human Resources and others, under one suite of modules.
In full compliance with financial and accounting Standards
HMR is highly regarded for its extensive features encompassing manpower information & processing, financial parameters and administration. HRM is an employee-centric software that provides immense and wide variety of features in the areas of Personnel Management and Payroll as well as time & labor services, all integrated into one smart administrative system. It increases the efficiency within the organization by properly handling HR processes for salaried employees from their date of joining through retirement.
In full compliance with Bahrain’s labor law
COMS is a web-based, state-of-the-art, user-friendly integrated corporate resources and flight operations management system, for network scheduling, aircraft crew pairing, crew rostering, crew tracking and ground operations. It is a single stop shop for flight operations which is designed to meet the regulatory requirements imposed by EASA, FAA, other regulatory authorities and operators’ soft rules, through the management of rules and procedures from the very beginning till the end. COMS provides the means to monitor, track and update all aircraft scheduling, crew resources, crew qualification and various operational matters that are imperative to keeping flight operations compliant with all safety and regulatory requirements. COMS provides the planning tool to prepare budget, track cost, forecast revenue and reconcile account, in addition to highlighting the financial health of the business through an Executive dashboard. It also offers multiple modules under a single suite through common System Security, which allows for efficient handling of various flight operations phases, for any airline environment regardless of the size and business model. These modules are:
TAMS is a state-of-the-art web-based user-friendly Engineering and Maintenance Planning and Tracking software, which is designed to meet the regulatory requirements of EASA, FAA, and others, for Continued Airworthiness Management of all types of airlines Operations. TAM provides the means to monitor, track and update all engineering and maintenance operations required to keep the fleet airworthy and under safe conditions:
SIDS is a web-based, user-friendly flight safety documentation system designed and supported by Proxi eSolution to meet the Airline Industry’s dynamic and pressing needs. It is fully compliant with existing and planned regulatory requirements, including the ISO 9001:2015, requirements for documentation, ICAO Annex 19, IOSA ISM Ed.8 and the various National Aviation Authorities and engineering documentation requirements. SIDS is accessible from mobile devices and is compatible with IE, Chrome, and Firefox. It has flexible hosting options and does not require local installation. SIDS is a unique solution that combines four different processes:
The basic tasks performed by SIDS, to support the business needs, are: